History of Science
- The Development of Statistical Decision Theory to the Present Days, Statistical Review (Statisztikai Szemle) 56(1978) 893-903 (in Hungarian).
- The Works of J. von Neumann in Economics and Operations Research. In: The Life and Works of J. von Neumann (T. Szentiványi, editor). John von Neumann Society for Computer Science, Budapest, 1979, 93-111 (in Hungarian).
- On the Development of Optimization Theory. The American Mathematical Monthly 87(1980) 527-542.
- The Connection Between Statistics and Probability, Bicentennial Celebr. Volume of the Techn. Univ. of Budapest, 1983, 71-83. (in Hungarian).
- Das Wirken von Neumanns auf dem Gebiet der mathematischen Ökonomie und der Unternehmenforschung. In: Leben und Werk von John von Neumann (T. Legendi, T. Szentiványi, editors). Wissenschaftsverlag, Mannheim, Wien, Zurich 1983, 85-98.
- The Revolution of János Bolyai. World of Nature (Természet Világa), Vol. 133 (2002) no. 7, 290-295, no.8, 347-352, no. 9, 394-399, 429 (in Hungarian). Reprinted in a Special Issue of the same journal, Vol.134 (2003) 3-21.
- The Antecedents and Aftermath of the Discovery of János Bolyai. In: Bolyai Memorial Volume (A.Prékopa et al., editors). Vince Publisher, Budapest (2004) 93-110.
- The Revolution of János Bolyai. In: Non-Euclidean Geometries, János Bolyai Memorial Volume. Proceedings of the János Bolyai Conference, held on July 8-12, Budapest, Hungary (A. Prékopa, E. Molnár, editors), Springer, Heidelberg 2005, 3-59.
- Logos. Valóság 50, Issue 10, October, 2007, 1-15 (in Hungarian).
- The life and works of J. Bolyai. Hungarian Science (Magyar Tudomány) 171(2010) 1328-1342(in Hungarian).
- J. Bolyai was Born 200 Years Ago. Opening address by A. Prékopa at the János Bolyai Conference held in Bupapest, at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, on July 8-12, 2002. Fizikai Szemle (Review of Physics)) 52(2002) 269-271.
- J. Bolyai was Born 200 Years Ago. Opening address by A. Prékopa at the János Bolyai Conference held in Bupapest, at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, on July 8-12, 2002. Fizikai Szemle (Review of Physics)) 52(2002) 269-271.
- La Revolució de János Bolyai. Societat Catalana de Matematiques Notícies 18(2003) 18-28 (in Catalan).
- Preface to Non-Euclidean Geometries (A. Prékopa, ed. in chief, co-editor: E. Molnár). Springer, New York, 2005. With E. Molnár, XI-XIII.
- The Life and Works of János Bolyai. Magyar Nemzet (newspaper), August 30, 2010 (In Hungarian).